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Arts and Crafts for Chilly Days Indoors
Between the winter weather and the unpredictable school schedules, keeping your little ones entertained can be a challenge. If you’re stuck indoors and looking for some fun and creative ways to pass the time, these marker activities and drawing games are sure to add some colour to those grey wintry days.
Choose an assortment of bright and beautiful colouring pens and markers and encourage your kids to unleash their inner artists! Remember, all markers used by children should be non-toxic and safe for your young maestros to use. It’s also advisable to choose washable markers, to prevent all that creative play from getting too messy.
4 Fun Marker Activities to Try with Your Kids
Here are some easy activities you can do at home when it’s too cold to go outside.
- Double doodles2,3
A “double doodle” is a drawing made using both hands. Get your child to choose two markers in different colours, and hold one of them in each hand. Use a few small pieces of tape to keep the paper in place. Then draw a simple symmetrical drawing using one of these techniques:
- Move the markers alongside each other in the same direction;
- Move each hand in a different direction at the same time;
- Make a mirror image, with each hand mirroring the other’s movements.
Drawing double doodles is a fun and relaxing activity that engages both sides of the brain, as your child draws with both their dominant and non-dominant hands at the same time.3 Start with simple shapes like a heart or flower and see how complex and creative you can get from there.
Check out this quick and easy double doodle tutorial.3
- Spin drawing4
Create a homemade arty spinning top in minutes, then enjoy hours of creative fun with your kids. Take an old CD or DVD you don’t use anymore. Put a marker through the hole in the centre of the disc and tape it in place. Now, set your “spinning top” on a large sheet of craft paper with the marker tip facing downward. Use both hands to set the top spinning over the paper. Create a few spinning tops in different colours, and spin them all over the paper to make a rainbow masterpiece. Give it a whirl!
Watch an online spinning top doodle art tutorial.5
- One-shape drawings6
Choose one shape – like a circle, triangle or rectangle – and challenge each other to draw a picture using only that shape (and variations of it). This gives your kids an opportunity to learn about different shapes and encourages them to think creatively. You’ll be amazed how just one simple shape can be used to create a rich and complex image.
- Doodle cubes7
Get crafty and create your own unique set of doodle cubes. This is ideal for kids who are old enough to use child-safe scissors. Print out a few doodle cube templates8 on paper or card. Then use your markers to create beautiful vibrant marker masterpieces all over the cubes. You can make one continuous design across the whole cube, or do something completely different for every panel – whatever you feel like!
Afterwards, carefully cut out and assemble each cube. (Remember, don’t let children use scissors without proper supervision.) Stack them all up together and see how unique each cube is.
Doodling is good for your child’s brain, as it improves memory and encourages creative thinking.7 For older children, doodle cubes can also demonstrate how 2-dimensional patterns translate to 3-dimensional shapes and objects.7
Stock up on kids’ markers and craft supplies for the winter months and get that creativity flowing as you host your own family art festival!
- Children’s Colouring Pens. https://www.penflex.co.za/product-category/childrens-colouring-pens/
- Maya Pagan Donenfield. Maya Made blog. Double Doodle. 2010. https://mayamade.blogspot.com/2010/10/double-doodle.html
- Jean Van’t Hul. The Artful Parent. Double Doodle Art. 2015. https://artfulparent.com/double-doodle-art/
- Leslie Manlapig. Pink Stripey Socks blog. Easy Spinning Top Marker Art. 2015. https://www.pinkstripeysocks.com/2015/02/easy-spinning-top-marker-art.html
- Jean Van’t Hul. The Artful Parent. Spin Drawing 2 Ways. 2015. https://artfulparent.com/spin-drawing-two-ways/
- Samantha Snyder. Doodle Art Alley. Doodle Activity Ideas. https://www.doodle-art-alley.com/doodle-art-activities.html
- Jean Van’t Hul. The Artful Parent. Doodle Cubes – Art Activity for Kids. 2015. https://artfulparent.com/doodle-cubes-art-activity-kids/
- Ana Dziengel. Babble Dabble Do blog. Drawing Ideas for Kids: Doodle Cubes. 2015. https://babbledabbledo.com/drawing-ideas-for-kids-doodle-cubes/