Our Penflex Shatterproof ruler passed the test with flying colours and as you can see from the picture – bending the ruler simply results in a bent ruler – it doesn’t break at all.
We take our customer’s safety very seriously, and as a trusted South African brand we go to great lengths to ensure our products are safe. For example, our marker pen’s caps are vented to prevent choking and we use non-toxic inks in all of our pens.
Normal rulers that shatter are typically made from Styrene, and while Penflex does make a Styrene ruler, it most certainly does not claim to be Shatterproof. Our Shatterproof ruler is made from high-quality PET plastic, which simply bends and doesn’t break when bent.
It is unfortunate that some of our competitors appear to be selling rulers claiming to be Shatterproof when in fact they seem to shatter when bent. We urge you to be mindful when purchasing rulers for your children and stand by our trusted Shatterproof rulers.