7th November 2019
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- Business Tips
- Corporate Life
- English
- Interesting Articles
- Media Room
- Parenting
- Students
- Sustainability
- Teens
- Toddlers
- Tweens
- Work From Home
- Writing
- All
- 2021
- academic
- activities
- activities for kids
- additional training
- adventure
- advice
- advice for children
- advice for kids
- advice for parents
- alpas plastics
- andwriting tips
- anger
- anger issues
- anxiety
- are left-handed people more creative
- arrangements
- art
- art competition
- asana
- asana app
- author
- avoid burnout
- avoid distrations
- avoid negitive language
- avoid scams
- awards
- babies
- baby
- baby’s brain
- back to school
- bake
- baking
- balanced schedule
- ballpoint pens
- basecamp
- basecamp app
- bedtime stories
- bedtime story
- being neat
- being untidy
- best presentation
- book
- boys
- brain
- brain development
- brain growth
- breastfeeding
- bright ballpoint pens
- bright pens
- brightside
- bully
- bullying
- burnout
- burnt out
- business
- business at home
- business ideas
- business letter
- business plan
- business tip
- business tips
- calligraphy
- calls
- cards
- checklist
- child
- child development
- child play
- childhood
- childhood development
- children
- christmas
- cleaning up your mess
- clutter
- cognitive development
- college
- colourful ballpoint pens
- colourful pens
- complaints
- computer equipment
- corona
- corona virus
- course of life
- covid
- covid pandemic
- covid-19
- crafts
- creative strategies
- creative writing
- creativity
- curiosity
- curriculum vitae
- cv
- cyberbullying
- dedicated study space
- dedicated workspace
- delierving a speech
- desk
- development
- dietry habits
- diets
- digital screen
- digital screens
- digital synopsis
- distractions
- do not email when you are angry
- downsides from working at home
- draw
- drawing
- drawing games
- dyslexia
- dyslexia facts
- dyslexia myths
- eduction
- email etiquette
- email mistakes
- emailing
- emails
- emotion
- emotional
- emotional children
- emotions
- employees
- english
- essay
- essay type
- essay writing
- essays
- exam
- exam distractions
- exam stress
- exam suport
- exam textbooks
- exams
- exams notes
- exercise
- experience
- experiential gifts
- facts about dyslexia
- facts about left-hanaded people
- feeling
- feelings
- fh
- file rack
- filing cabinet
- finance
- financial benefits
- fine motor skills
- fluency
- foetal growth
- food
- formal business letter
- fun
- games
- games for kids
- gel pens
- generate leads
- getting your office space ofganised
- gifts
- gifts for adults
- gifts for kids
- gifts for people who have too much stuff
- girls
- good grammar
- good marks
- grade 1
- grades
- graphologist
- graphologists
- graphology
- group activities
- group sports
- guidelines
- hand signature
- handedness
- handwriting
- have a plan
- health
- health benefits
- healthy brain
- healthy eating
- high quality pet plastic
- high quality pet rulers
- high-quality leads
- high-tech world
- highlight
- highlight markers
- highlighter
- highlighters
- hobbies and interests
- holiday
- holiday in south africa
- holiday safety tips
- holidays
- home
- home business
- home office
- home scams
- home-school
- home-schooling
- homeschool
- homework
- how parents can help
- how to get perment markers off surfaces
- how to keep kids busy
- how to remove permanent markers
- how to write an informal letter
- imagination
- imaginative play
- improve your handwriting
- indoor fun
- indoor games
- information overload
- infromal letter
- ink
- ink and pen
- ink pens
- instagram competition
- internal memo
- invest
- IQ
- is working from home a dream
- job
- junk food
- keeping kids busy
- kid
- kids
- kids and technology
- kids screen time
- know your audience and your topic
- label every files
- labeling
- large muscles
- lead
- leads
- learn
- learner
- learning
- learning disorder
- learning environment
- learning online
- left brain
- left-hanaded
- left-hanaded people
- letter
- letter wiriting
- letter writing
- letters
- life structure
- lifestyle
- limit your consumption of news and social media
- linguistic development
- linkedin profile
- liquid ink pens
- lockdown
- logic
- manage stress
- marker
- marker activities
- markers
- matric exams
- mckinsey
- meeting
- meetings
- memo
- memorandum
- memory
- mental
- mental resilience
- mind map
- mind mapping
- mind maps
- mistakes that could harm your reputation
- moody teenagers
- moody teens
- mother’s nutrition during pregnancy
- motivated
- motivational speech
- motor skills
- move
- movements
- multi-tasking
- multi-tasking parents
- muscle
- muscle groups
- muscles
- myths about dyslexia
- myths about left-handed people
- nature
- neon ballpoint pens
- neon pens
- network
- networking
- new business
- new school
- new year
- new years
- no distractions
- notice of meeting
- novel
- nutrition
- nutrition tips for healthy brain development
- nutritional tips
- office
- office at home
- office space
- office stationery
- one-on-one tutoring
- online
- online calls
- online learning
- online meetings
- online shop
- online store
- oragnisaed office space
- organised
- outdoors
- pandemic
- paper
- paperwork
- papyrus
- parental support
- parenting
- parents
- parents who teach at home
- past papers
- pen
- pen and paper
- pencil
- pencil grasp
- pencil grip
- pencils
- penfelx instagram competition
- penflex
- penflex art competition
- penflex instagram
- penflex pens
- penflex rulers
- penflex shatterproof rulers
- Penflex stationery hamper
- pens
- pens with a point
- perks for working from home
- permanent marker
- permenent markers
- personal profile
- pet plastics
- pet rulers
- phonemic awareness
- phonics
- physical activity
- plan for exams
- plastic rulers
- play
- playing
- playing outdoors
- plummet
- presentation
- problem-solving
- professional language
- professional network
- professional skills
- professional wiriting
- profile
- read
- reader
- reading
- reading comprehension
- recruitment platform
- reduce stress
- reduce the number of cables
- reed pen
- remote
- remote work
- remote working
- requests
- responsibility
- right brain
- right-brain dominant
- routine
- ruler
- rulers
- safety in south africa
- safety tips
- safety tips in south africa
- scammers
- scams
- school
- school checklist
- school stationery
- school work
- schools
- science
- screen
- screen time
- self-care
- self-care tips
- shatterproof rulers
- shatterproof rulers that shatter
- shop
- short stories
- signature
- signature types
- single parents
- skill
- skills
- sleep
- small busines tip
- small busines tips
- small business
- smaller muscles
- smart studying
- social distancing
- social media
- socialising
- south africa
- south african holiday
- speech
- sstaying organised
- stages of pencil grasp
- starting a business
- starting school
- starting your own business
- stationery
- stationery for school
- stay at home
- stay at home parents
- stay connected
- staying oraganised
- staying oragnised wehn you work at home
- staying organised at home
- stess
- storage container
- store
- story
- story telling
- storytelling
- stress
- stressed kids
- student
- students
- study
- study buddy
- study sessions
- study smarter
- studying
- styrene rulers
- suggestions
- support
- support form parents during exams
- teach
- teachers
- teaching
- teaching from home
- teen
- teenager
- teenagers
- teens
- telecommuters
- tertiaty education
- the art of witiing a letter
- the art of writing
- the creative group
- thinking
- tidying up
- time
- time management
- time management for telecommuters
- tip
- tips
- tips for a presentation
- tips for delivering a presentation
- tips for writing a presentation
- to do list
- tradtional schooling system
- trello
- trello app
- types of mind maps
- understanding of the subject
- unhealthy habits
- univaersity
- use pictures and diagrams
- verbalising information
- video call
- virus
- vocabulary
- volunteering
- wfh
- what is dyslexia
- whiteboard
- whiteboard markers
- whiteboard pens
- wiriting a letter
- wiriting an informal email
- work
- work at home
- work environment
- work experience
- work from home
- working
- working form home
- working from home
- working from home a reality
- working remotely
- workplace
- workspace
- write
- write a plan
- write an article
- write an essay
- writing
- writing a book
- writing a cv
- writing a formal letter
- writing a great cv
- writing a letter
- writing a memo
- writing a plan
- writing a presentation
- writing a speech
- writing an email
- writing an infromation letter
- writing tips
- written speech
- your clutter is hurting you
- zoom
- zoom fails
- zoom meetings